ISO 26000

[definition] The ESG ASSESTMENTS consists of MEASURINGthrough objective and verifiable data – the integration levels of environmental, social and governance sustainability principles in the organisation’s strategies, policies, activities, ECO GREEN Supply Chain.

RATING ESG 2023 “76/100”

Full report ESG 2023 “76/100”

Discover ARNIA TEXTILE FASHION’s commitment to ESG ASSESTMENTS and our Eco Green Supply Chain. We ensure our production processes are environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and governed by ethical practices. Elevate your brand with our sustainable, high-quality textiles crafted in Italy

Pillars of Our Business Strategy

Sustainable Luxury: Our focus remains on crafting high-end, eco-conscious products. We’re dedicated to using organic, eco-friendly materials, upholding ethical and sustainable production methods, and adhering to the utmost quality standards. Our goal is to be at the forefront of sustainable luxury, creating products that embody quality, style, and environmental stewardship.

Global Impact: We’re determined to make a positive mark across all our operations. We actively support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), championing efforts against poverty, hunger, environmental harm, and inequality. Our Cooperative is a platform for increasing awareness and driving meaningful change, proving that fashion and luxury can be a force for global betterment.

Social Inclusion and Empowerment: Our steadfast commitment to social inclusion guides us. We’re broadening our efforts to offer employment and skill-building opportunities for all, particularly focusing on integrating those from socioeconomically challenged backgrounds into our teams. Our aim is to cultivate a diverse, inclusive workplace and supply chain, where everyone has a chance to improve their life and prosper.

Transparency and Integrity: Honesty, integrity, and compliance are the cornerstones of our business. We openly share details about our supply chain, production processes, and the impacts we make, thereby building trust and exemplifying ethical business conduct.

Innovation & Continuous Improvement: Innovation is key in our product design and sustainability practices. We’re constantly exploring cutting-edge technologies and materials to lessen our environmental footprint and boost product quality. This innovative spirit fuels our commitment to exceed customer expectations while staying true to our core values.

Customer-Centric Approach: Our customers are the heart of our business. We’re deeply engaged in delivering personalized services and products, ensuring that each customer experiences uniqueness and utmost satisfaction.

Partnerships and Collaborations: The strength of ARNIA MADE IN ITALY lies in our suppliers and collaborators. We seek strategic partnerships with organizations, brands, and influencers who align with our ethos and mission. These collaborations help magnify our message and broaden our reach, boosting our impact significantly.

Continuous Improvement: We’re committed to continuous self-evaluation and enhancement of our practices. By closely monitoring our environmental impact, social contribution, and overall performance, and making data-driven decisions, we’re constantly adjusting and refining our strategies to stay ahead of emerging trends and evolving customer expectations.

Measuring Success: Our definition of success transcends financial metrics; it’s about the positive effects we have on the environment, society, and individuals’ lives. True success for us is measured by our ability to lead change, inspire responsible choices, and contribute to a fashion industry that’s both more sustainable and inclusive.

In embracing this all-encompassing business strategy, ARNIA MADE IN ITALY is committed to establishing new industry benchmarks, redefining the essence of luxury, and fostering a legacy of impactful, responsible fashion.


Below are the sustainable data that ARNIA MADE IN ITALY employs to implement in the TEXTILE FASHION DIV. [textile sector] to reduce environmental impact and promote more responsible production.

Recycled Fabrics & Yarns: We use recycled textile materials, like recycled plastic bottles or fabrics from used clothes, to create new textiles, decreasing resource use and environmental impact. To certify our efforts, we’ve obtained the GRS certification, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and ethical practices. The GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification underscores our dedication to recycling and waste reduction, verifying a significant portion of our products are made from recycled materials, primarily post-consumer.

license ICEA-TX-3319 / Scope Certificate Number ICA-GRS-23-3838/00A

Low water use: We adopt low-water dyeing & print processes that require significantly less water than traditional methods, significantly reducing water resource consumption. Specifically, we use the transfer printing technique, which minimizes water use, often on GRS-certified polyester bases (preferably post-consumer).

Local Production: We prioritize local production to minimize environmental impact associated with transportation, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our supply chain is zero kilometers, emphasizing local sourcing and production.

Organic Fabric & Yarns: We focus on using natural fabrics like organic cotton, silk, linen, and hemp, which require fewer chemical treatments and are biodegradable. To validate our efforts, we’ve obtained the GOTS certification for organic cotton and silk, demonstrating our dedication to sustainability, transparency, and ethical practices. The GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification ensures our products meet the highest environmental and social standards, confirming our textiles come from organic materials, free from harmful chemicals, and produced in a way that respects both people and the planet.

license TX-3319 / Scope Certificate Number ICEA-GOTS-23-3839/00A

Natural Fabrics & yarns: we use certified materials in the production of our fabrics:

  • LENZING™ ECOVERO™ viscose

Derived from certified renewable wood sources using an eco-responsible production process that meets high environmental standards, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers adapt to a sustainable lifestyle, contributing to a cleaner environment

  • Viscose FSC – The Forest Stewardship Council

It is an international non-governmental organization committed to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.

         License code FSC-C206170

  • BCI Cottons – The Better Cotton Initiative

It is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder governance group that promotes better standards in cotton cultivation and farming practices in 21 countries.

Eco-friendly dyeing techniques: we employing natural or biodegradable pigments and high-energy efficiency processes. We’re currently experimenting with mineral dyeing directly on garments (without chemical colors), exploring more sustainable methods.

Digital Print Transfer: We’re transitioning from traditional to digital printing, significantly reducing water, energy, and ink usage. Our digital print quality rivals rotary printing, thanks to our designers’ skill in achieving deep and vibrant colors, offering our clients an environmentally friendlier option without compromising on quality.

Made on Order / Just in Time Production: We minimize waste by producing only what is requested, this avoiding overproduction and excess stock. Our production is streamlined and organized around a just-in-time model, ensuring efficiency and reducing environmental impact by limiting unnecessary production.

New Sustainable Materials: We’re investing in the development of innovative sustainable textile materials, such as fabrics derived from seaweed or fungi. Specifically, we’ve introduced fabrics made from hemp, viscose derived from mint, and plants like lotus and rose, showcasing our commitment to pioneering eco-friendly alternatives in textile production.

Transparency in the Supply Chain & Block Chain adoption: We ensure supply chain transparency, providing clear information about material origins and production processes to empower consumer choices. Selected by ITA/ICE for the Blockchain Project, we offer a digital ledger linked to products via QR code, allowing consumers to access comprehensive details, including company and supply chain information, ethical and fair operating practices, local supplier engagement, supplier certifications like GOTS and GRS, fabric technical data, sustainable practices, traceability, and care instructions. This initiative underscores our commitment to ethical standards and environmental responsibility.

Priorize the development of New Sustainable products: We prioritize sustainable design, embedding sustainability into product design to reduce fabric waste and streamline production processes. Our focus is on developing “green” products and progressively removing unsustainable items from our collection, demonstrating our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Pionering GREEN Logistic: We’re working on developing “green” shipping options with DHL to monitor and reduce CO2 emissions during the transport stages, aligning our delivery processes with our sustainability goals.

Shared value with our Supply Chain – we adopt a Charter of Values, this outlines the ethical, social, and environmental standards that a company expects from its suppliers. It includes principles like fair labor practices, sustainability, quality assurance, and mutual respect. This charter serves as a foundation for building strong, transparent, and responsible relationships within the supply chain, ensuring that all parties involved adhere to the same set of values and commitments towards better business practices and societal impact.

Preferential supplier regulation: A preferential supplier regulation establishes criteria and guidelines for prioritizing certain suppliers over others in procurement processes. These criteria often include factors such as sustainability practices, quality of goods, pricing, delivery times, and adherence to ethical standards. The regulation is designed to ensure that a company’s procurement aligns with its values and strategic goals, fostering long-term relationships with suppliers who contribute positively to the company’s operational efficiency and ethical commitments.


Registration in the Social Cooperatives Registry Registry of Social Coops: registration n. C139245. With Official confirmation following the assessment as per article 9 of the Regional Regulation March 17, 2015, no. 1/2015 – dated 10/25/23 “The cooperative meets all the requirements prescribed by Regional Regulation no. 1/2015 – SECTION B”

Employment Contract We adopt the National Employment Contract for Social Cooperatives – a paper copy is also available on request at our head office.

SUPPORT FOR DISADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS: Our cooperative, classified as a “Social Cooperative Type B,” has a legal obligation to employ at least 30% disadvantaged workers. This mandate aligns with our commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, underlined by certifications like GRS and GOTS. We’ve integrated individuals with various challenges into our team, highlighting our role in fostering inclusivity and providing meaningful employment opportunities within the textile industry.

La Legge 8 novembre 1991 n. 381 all’art. 1, comma 1, stabilisce che “Le cooperative sociali hanno lo scopo di perseguire l’interesse generale della comunità alla promozione umana e all’integrazione sociale dei cittadini attraverso:

  • la gestione di servizi sociosanitari ed educativi, incluse le attività di cui all’articolo 2, comma 1, lettere a), b), c), d), l), e p), del decreto legislativo [3luglio2017, n. 112] recante revisione della disciplina in materia di impresa sociale, di cui all’articolo 1, comma 2, lettera c), della legge 6 giugno 2016, n. 106; (lettera così modificata dall’art. 17, comma 1, d.lgs. n. 122 del 2017);
  • lo svolgimento di attività diverse – agricole, industriali, commerciali o di servizi – finalizzate all’inserimento lavorativo di persone svantaggiate”.

In sintesi, ai sensi dell’art. 1, comma 1, della legge 381/91, si ricorda che le cooperative sociali sono di tipo A quando gestiscono servizi sociosanitari e educativi mentre sono di tipo B quando svolgono attività diverse finalizzate all’inserimento di soci svantaggiati.

La Legge 381 dell’8 novembre 1991, che disciplina le cooperative sociali, relativamente a quelle di tipo b), all’art. 4, comma 1, definisce persone svantaggiate: “gli invalidi fisici, psichici e sensoriali, gli ex degenti di ospedali psichiatrici, anche giudiziari, i soggetti in trattamento psichiatrico, i tossicodipendenti, gli alcolisti, i minori in età lavorativa in situazioni di difficoltà familiare, le persone detenute o internate negli istituti penitenziari, i condannati e gli internati ammessi alle misure alternative alla detenzione e al lavoro all’esterno ai sensi dell’articolo 21 della legge 26 luglio 1975, n. 354, e successive modificazioni.”

Lo stesso art. 4 al comma 2 stabilisce che “le persone svantaggiate di cui al comma 1 devono costituire almeno il trenta per cento dei lavoratori della cooperativa e, compatibilmente con il loro stato soggettivo, essere socie della cooperativa stessa”.

La circolare Inps n. 296 del 29 dicembre 1992, al punto 2.2.1 precisa che “la condizione di invalido fisico, psichico o sensoriale e di persona svantaggiata dovrà risultare da documentazione proveniente dalla pubblica amministrazione competente e cioè dalle Unità Sanitarie Locali previo accertamento sanitario delle commissioni mediche operanti presso le stesse”. In considerazione del fatto che la legge non detta nulla sul grado di invalidità sarà considerata come percentuale, quella stabilita per il collocamento obbligatorio, ossia un grado di invalidità superiore al 45% (circolare Inps 116/92 del 9 ottobre 1992).

Per le altre categorie di lavoratori svantaggiati, la circolare Inps n. 296 del 29 dicembre 1992, al punto 2.2.2 precisa che: “La condizione di ex degente di istituti psichiatrici, di soggetto in trattamento psichiatrico, di alcolista, di tossicodipendente e della loro situazione di persone svantaggiate dovrà risultare dalla documentazione proveniente dalle strutture del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (1) da cui risulti la condizione di persona svantaggiata e la categoria di appartenenza”.

Sono considerati lavoratori effettivi della cooperativa coloro che hanno una posizione Inps attiva. I lavoratori svantaggiati devono essere non meno del 30% del totale dei lavoratori della cooperativa e, compatibilmente con il loro stato soggettivo, essere soci della cooperativa stessa ai sensi dell’art. 4 comma 2 legge 381/91. Le circolari Inps 296/1992 e 109/1993 chiariscono che la norma fa riferimento al numero complessivo dei lavoratori, siano essi soci o dipendenti della cooperativa escludendo i soci volontari.

La circolare Inps 188 del 17.06.1994 ha escluso dalla base di calcolo, d’intesa con il Ministero del Lavoro e, allo scopo di favorire il raggiungimento della percentuale minima del 30% anche i lavoratori svantaggiati stessi: “le persone cosiddette svantaggiate non concorrono alla determinazione del numero complessivo dei lavoratori in parola cui ci si deve riferire per la determinazione dell’aliquota delle stesse”.

Ad esempio: lavoratori soci e non soci complessivamente pari a 20 di cui persone svantaggiate pari a 6. Forza lavoro escluse le persone svantaggiate 14 (20-6), pertanto la percentuale dei soggetti lavoratori svantaggiati è la seguente: 6/14 = 42,86%.

Il Ministero del Lavoro e della previdenza sociale è intervenuto sull’arco temporale di riferimento per il rispetto della media del 30% nell’interpello 4/2008 nel quale si legge che “una certa oscillazione nella dimensione quantitativa dell’organico della cooperativa è assolutamente fisiologico e segno di vitalità dell’impresa sul mercato” e poi “il rispetto del rigido limite percentuale del 30%, ove inteso in senso rigido, comporterebbe la irragionevole conseguenza della mancata possibilità di conservazione del rapporto di lavoro dei lavoratori interessati o l’obbligo di assumere altro personale svantaggiato, ancorché non necessario al fine di ristabilire il predetto rapporto percentuale”.

In questa prospettiva, il Ministero nell’interpello giunge alla conclusione che “appare decisamente ragionevole il riferimento ad un arco temporale per la valutazione del rispetto del limite minimo del 30% di persone svantaggiate qualora a fronte di determinati eventi di carattere produttivo non sia rispettato il mantenimento costante della percentuale richiamata, arco temporale che, in assenza di una diversa previsione della legislazione regionale, non sembra comunque possa eccedere i dodici mesi”

Pertanto, l’arco temporale ragionevolmente congruo entro il quale le cooperative sociali debbano ristabilire il limite numerico del 30% previsto dalla legge è fissato autonomamente da ciascuna Regione, ma in assenza di una norma regionale specifica non sembra possa eccedere i dodici mesi.

Va, infine, evidenziato che la determinazione del 30% dei soggetti svantaggiati va effettuata in relazione ai singoli lavoratori e non in base alle ore effettivamente lavorate; lo ha specificato la Direzione generale per l’Attività Ispettiva del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali con l’interpello n. 17 del 20 luglio 2015, rispondendo ad un quesito posto dall’Associazione generale cooperative italiane, Confcooperative e Legacoop. Pertanto, sulla base di quanto premesso, a parere dello scrivente, non è importante ai fini del calcolo del 30% che il lavoratore svantaggiato sia assunto con contratto part-time o full-time

La nostra Cooperativa come riscontrato da CCIAA nel Verbale di conformazione a seguito di accertamento ex art. 9 del Regolamento Regionale 17 Marzo 2015 n. 1/2015 – del 25/10/23

la percentuale dei lavoratori svantaggiati impiegati secondo la metodologia di computo indicata dalla Circolare Inps n. 188/1994, come integrata dalla comunicazione del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali del 20/07/2015 con comunicazione prot. 37/0011589 – interpello n. 17/2015, che è pari al 100% della forza lavoro complessiva, risultando tale valore, al momento, conforme rispetto a quello previsto dall’art. 5 comma 3 del Regolamento Regionale n. 1/2015.

Nel corso dell’anno sono stati selezionati, formati e inseriti lavorativamente negli ambiti di produzione della Cooperativa i seguenti soggetti svantaggiati:

  • Un giovane affetto da patologia psichiatrica, avviato alla mansione di servizi & campionari tessili e tutt’oggi stabilmente inserito nell’organico della cooperativa – tempo indeterminato, Part-Time;
  • Un giovane affetto da patologia psichiatrica (con aggiunta di problematiche legate alla dipendenza) avviato alla mansione di servizi & campionari tessili e tutt’oggi stabilmente inserito nell’organico della cooperativa – tempo indeterminato, Full-Time;
  • Una donna affetta da patologia psichiatrica avviata alla mansione di pulizie e servizi & campionari tessili e tutt’oggi stabilmente inserita nell’organico della cooperativa – tempo indeterminato, Part-Time;
  • Un uomo con patologie fisiche che è avviato alla mansione di controller di produzione tessile e tutt’oggi stabilmente inserito nell’organico della cooperativa – tempo indeterminato, Full-Time;

Intento della Cooperativa è la valorizzazione dei talenti e delle abilità artistiche e artigianali di soggetti attualmente privi di stabile occupazione lavorativa, al fine di poterli inserire in progetti di autoimprenditorialità con il supporto tecnico, amministrativo e commerciale della Cooperativa stessa.

Nel corso dell’anno sono stati inoltre inseriti:

  • Una donna disoccupata over 50
  • Una ragazza al primo impego con un contrato di apprendistato

Risk Assessment – DVR (Risk Assessment Document) We engaged a professional on 08/30/23, with acceptance on 09/01/23. The DVR document, dated 09/13/23 (updated December 2023), was prepared. Currently, meetings for training and information in line with the Plan are underway.

Company Support Desk for Listening: We offer psychological support for disadvantaged individuals through a corporate listening desk, managed by Silvio Lorenzetto, a volunteer member with a notably significant resume, detailed in a separate document.

Smart Working: To improve work-life balance and minimize stress, our Cooperative prefers smart working, allowing employees to work from their home and avoid time wastage and work under less stressful conditions.

Communicating with Stakeholders: We’re preparing a social balance report – the first one will be for the period 08/11/22 to 31/12/23 to enhance communication with our stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to transparency and social responsibility. It is online on the pafe Financing

Trasparency: On our Financing web page, we offer access to key company information:

  • Business Registry Extract
  • Bylaws
  • Internal Regulations
  • Code of Ethics
  • RUNTS Registration
  • Social Cooperatives Registry Enrollment
  • Certifications
  • DUNS Number
  • DURC (Document of Regular Contribution Payment)
  • Employment Contracts
  • Whistleblower Policy
  • Received Funding
  • Audit Results

This ensures transparency and easy access to essential documents for stakeholders.

TCBL ASSOCIATION: We joined the TCBL Association – Textile & Clothing Made Sustainable on 31/10/23. TCBL is a non-profit aiming to reinvent European textile and apparel industries by exploring innovative design, production, and collaboration methods. It introduces new production technologies and organizational models, enhancing creative energies to bring production capacity back to Europe. TCBL fosters a community committed to a truly sustainable textile and apparel industry. As a Dutch law-established non-profit, it extends the work initiated in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 TCBL project.


CODE OF ETHICS: Approved by the Assembly of Members on 28/10/2023

VALUES CHARTER and MODERN SLAVERY PREVENTION POLICY & VALUES CHARTER: Approved by the Assembly of Members on 28/10/23, the Values Charter & Modern Slavery Prevention Regulation is the cornerstone document for the Supply Chain and is shared and signed by all Suppliers. The Assembly of Members on 28/10/23 tasked the Board of Directors with:

  • Preferring business relationships and collaboration with GRS / GOTS CERTIFIED SUPPLIERS
  • Accepting collaboration with Suppliers who have signed ARNIA MADE IN ITALY’s Values Charter
  • Prohibition of collaboration and purchase of goods and/or services from Suppliers who have not signed the Values Charter and the commitment to fight Modern Slavery
  • Replacing within 12 months suppliers who have not signed the Values Charter and the commitment to fight Modern Slavery – whose annual turnover per capita must remain below Euro 3.000,00 This division among Suppliers must be expressed in the BALANCE SHEET in order to ensure quick control by the Members / Stockholders / Stackholders.


  • 18/11/22 Internal Regulations – a set of rules to guide the relationships among employee members
  • 13/11/23 “MANAGEMENT OF REPORTS under LEGISLATIVE DECREE no. 231/2001 and LEGISLATIVE DECREE no. 24/2023” (so-called WHISTLEBLOWING) – anonymous reports from any stakeholder


  • ANTONIO FERIOLI acceptance of appointment as RSPP (Service for Protection and Prevention) on 30/08/2023
  • CARLO ROLA acceptance of appointment as RLS (Worker Safety Responsible) on 11/09/23 Adherence to the 32-hour Training Plan as required by Article 27 paragraph 10 of Legislative Decree 81/08

          – CARLO ROLA – general training

          – CARLO ROLA – First Aid training

          – CARLO ROLA – Anti Fire training (lev. 2)

APPOINTMENT OF COMPANY DOCTOR We pay utmost attention to the physical and mental well-being of our collaborators. For this reason, we have not settled for just any occupational physician to fulfill our legal obligations. Instead, given the nature of our Cooperative, we have embarked on a careful search with the RSPP for the best professional who can assist us in training and improving ourselves. We have a Voluntary Member with specific experience dedicated to following up on Disadvantaged Worker Members and monitoring their mental well-being.

REGISTRATION WITH RUNTS – National Single Register of the Third Sector This is the electronic register established at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies in implementation of Articles 45 et seq. of the Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree of July 3, 2017, no. 117), to ensure full transparency of Third Sector Entities (ETS) through the publication of the informative elements registered therein.

Insurance Policy RCO Policy – Vittoria ASSICURAZIONI No. 053.058.0000901718

  • Third Party Liability Maximum Limit per Claim: €2,500,000
  • Maximum Limit per Person: €2,500,000
  • Maximum Limit per Occurrence: €2,500,000
  • Liability towards Workers Maximum Limit per Claim: €2,500,000
  • Maximum Limit per Person: €1,000,000
  • Absolute Excess for bodily injury: €2,600


Arnia Società Cooperativa Sociale Made in Italy has always maintained a strong connection with the territory, recognizing that in these roots it was possible to create value for both its members and the community as a whole. This connection with the territory extends to various regions, with a primary focus on the Lombardy Region, and the Provinces of Milan and Como. Additionally, thanks to the development of the Textile Division, the activity has also expanded to other areas such as Bustocco/Gallaratese (cotton textile district), Como, Lecco, and the Basso Ticino (silk textile district). In the near future, there will be further development in the Piedmont Region – specifically in the Province of Novara, where several Members already reside.

The Cooperative has adapted its services based on the characteristics of each territory, recognizing their specificities and personal connections with Cooperative members. This is done in line with the main mission of facilitating the employment of disadvantaged individuals.

It is important to note that the Cooperative is not limited to these areas alone but can extend its action based on the indications of the Assembly of Members, with the support of the Board of Directors and the worker members, in places where it can fulfill its mission. This way, the Cooperative remains flexible and open to opportunities to serve its community wherever they arise.



ARNIA – Società Cooperativa Sociale Made in Italy aims, with a mutualistic spirit and without speculative purposes, to pursue the general interest of the community and the promotion of humanity through the offering of excellent products and services, actively involving disadvantaged individuals. On one hand, the Cooperative – through a unique recruitment activity focused on the territory and attentive to the needs of all – aims to guarantee sustenance, economic independence, and above all, the integration/reintegration into civil society of individuals who would otherwise face objective barriers to entering the job market. On the other hand, it seeks to contribute to creating a more sustainable world/economy.

The Cooperative offers the opportunity to personally participate, according to one’s abilities, in the design, production, and marketing of Made in Italy excellence in the textile/clothing/fashion/furnishing/design fields. The founders, who have cultivated professional and non-professional experiences in economic production, luxury commerce, as well as social, cultural, philosophical, and artistic activities for decades, with the necessary skills and sensitivities, have committed to proposing a new format within which even young talents can take their first steps.

It is precisely the emerging brands – those with inherent resilience – that would be better able to interpret and respond to the changes in social customs and trends in the society we live in, yet they are the ones that struggle the most to make themselves known – or even just to present themselves – to potential clientele: those in the higher-end segment; sophisticated individuals with high spending capacity.

The idea is therefore to establish an award for young talents, showcasing their works in an exhibition space during a series of artistic and cultural events of attraction. The concept of the event within the event is precisely what would be exploited to offer young talents a privileged showcase during unusual and captivating events.

In our Busto Arsizio Showroom we offer, to the emerging brans, the chance to presented and marketed their collecions to national and international private individuals and buyers.

Solidarity Fund A portion of the annual net profits of cooperative societies must be allocated to mutual funds for the promotion and development of cooperation, to the extent and in the manner provided by law. The 4th paragraph of article 11 of Law 59/1992 sets this share at 3% of the annual net profits – LEGAL OBLIGATION.

International Internships Student Leyla D. Kalvo participated in a training internship at ARNIA MADE IN ITALY under the supervision of the EUROPEAN School of Management (ESCP Business School), Turin. The internship lasted for 4 weeks – from April 26, 2023, to May 27, 2023, with 40 hours per week. The intern was assigned to the TEXTILE DIVISION team, where she contributed to online marketing, promotion, and communication projects.

Support and Sponsorship for Emerging Talent at the Hyères Festival During the Première Vision Paris Fair, we expressed our willingness to host the 10 finalists of the Fashion competition. The finalists will visit the fair to search for raw materials for their collections, which will be presented at the next edition of the festival (October 2024).

KPI – Key Performance Indicators

Reporting… from good intentions to concrete results

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to measure and evaluate the success and performance of ARNIA Società Cooperativa Sociale Made in Italy in various key areas.

Environmental sustainability:

Use of Sustainable Materials: In our textile production, we have introduced 13 NEW ITEMS certified by GOTS:

  • 1 item in ORGANIC SILK
  • 1 item in ORGANIC LINEN

Recycling of Materials: We incorporate recycled or recyclable textile materials in our production, along with a high recycling rate of textile products themselves. In our collections, we have designed, produced, and introduced 64 NEW ITEMS certified by GRS:

  • 2 base fabrics dyed in piece and printable GRS
  • 62 jacquard fabrics dyed in yarn GRS.

Positive Social and Environmental Impact: We assess the positive effect of our activities on the community and the surrounding environment. Here are the numbers of jobs created for disadvantaged individuals:

  • 4 individuals classified as disadvantaged, ranging from 46% to 100%
  • 1 unemployed individual over 50 years old
  • 1 apprentice undergoing vocational training
  • 1 international fashion and communication intern undergoing training

Recognitions and Certifications: Environmental certifications and recognitions obtained:

  • n. 2 Company Certifications for Product and Process:
    • GRS Certification (Global Recycled Standard): License ICEA-TX-3319 / Scope Certificate Number ICA-GRS-23-3838/00A. The GRS certification highlights our commitment to recycling and waste reduction. It verifies that a significant portion of our products is made from recycled materials (mostly post-consumer).
    • GOTS Certification (Global Organic Textile Standard): License TX-3319 / Scope Certificate Number ICEA-GOTS-23-3839/00A. GOTS is recognized worldwide as the gold standard for organic and biological textiles. It ensures that our products meet the highest environmental and social criteria. With GOTS certification, you can be assured that our fabrics come from organic materials, free from harmful chemicals, and produced in a manner that respects both people and the planet.
  • n. 3 Types of Yarns and Raw Fabrics Used and Traced in Our Sustainable Productions:
    • LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose: Derived from certified renewable wood sources using an eco-responsible production process that meets high environmental standards, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers adapt to a sustainable lifestyle, contributing to a cleaner environment.
    • FSC Viscose (Forest Stewardship Council): It is an international non-governmental organization committed to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.
    • BCI Cotton (Better Cotton Initiative): It is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder governance group promoting better standards in cotton cultivation and farming practices in 21 countries.
  • n. 1 Company Recognition A BETTER WAY: From the July 2023 edition of the Première Vision Paris fair, PV launched “A BETTER WAY,” a new program to identify the sustainable offering of its exhibitors. By doing so, Première Vision strengthens its eco-responsible approach by promoting companies that are actively engaged in creating collections of sustainable fabrics.

Concrete Support for Emerging Talents:

  • Sponsorship of 3 Fabrics for the Finale: Julie Mouly-Pommerol ([email protected]), one of the finalists in the Hyères Festival. The 39th edition of the event on the French Riviera, scheduled from October 10th to 13th, 2024, will see the artistic director of Courrèges alongside Finnish designer Achilles Ion Gabriel, creative leader of the Spanish footwear brand Camper and its experimental range Camperlab. The finalists will compete for the Première Vision Grand Prize, the Chanel Métiers d’Art 19m Prize, the Mercedes-Benz Trophy for Sustainable Collection, and the Atelier des Matières. The winner will also be invited to create a capsule collection with the luxury Chinese label Icicle and the Parisian department store Galeries Lafayette, festival partners. This competition has been an important stepping stone for designers since its inception in 1985, having launched talents like Viktor & Rolf, Anthony Vaccarello (current creative director of Saint Laurent), Julien Dossena of Rabanne, and the duo Rushemy Botter and Lisi Herrebrugh designing the Botter brand.

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